name is David C. Copley, and I live in Peoria, IL with my
wife. Our two daughters have left the nest and living
on their own now.
I am a professional acoustical
engineer for a major heavy equipment manufacturer. My
professional credentials include BS & MS in Physics with
emphasis in acoustics, INCE Board Certification, numerous
journal & professional conference publications, 6 US
patents, etc.
I am also a P-38 nut. For 10 years, from 1998 - 2008, I devoted a lot of time
to researching, developing and releasing freeware P-38 models for Microsoft
Flight Simulator. In addition, I made many sound sets for
various freeware and payware projects, including releases
from Abacus, simTech, Classic Warbirds Design Team,
SkyUnlimited, Aeroplane Heaven, Milviz and FSD.
I have since set aside that part of my P-38 hobby. Now I
focus more on visiting and photographing P-38s. My dream is
to fly in one (a real one that is), but until that happens
my FS models will have to do. :-) |
P-38's I've seen in person
'83' McMinnville, OR |
"Lizzy V" at Boeing Museum, Seattle, WA |
EAA's "Marge" Oshkosh, WI |
Glacier Girl visiting Oshkosh, WI |
USAF Museum, Dayton, OH |
"85" at Hill Air Force Museum, Ogden, UT |
"Ruff Stuff" visiting Oshkosh, WI* |
Unmarked undergoing restoration at Chino, CA (would
become "Ruff Stuff)* |
"Tangerine" Tillamook, OR |
"Porky II" at Chino, CA (now called "23 Skidoo") ** |
"Honey Bunny" at P-38 Gathering, Sacramento, CA |
"Thoughts of Midnite" at P-38 Gathering, Sacramento,
CA |

"Marge" at the Richard Bong Veterans Historical
Center, Superior, WI |

unnamed P-38J at the Smithsonian, Chantilly, VA |

"23 Skidoo" at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA (former
"Porky II") ** |

F-5 (P-38L) at Yanks Air Museum, Chino, CA |

Full sized P-38L replica at the P-38 National
Association and Museum, Riverside, CA |

"White 33" P-38F at National Museum of WWII Aviation
in Colorado Springs, CO |